
Shipping Documents

Hazardous Auto-Reverse Program

The Hazardous Auto-Reverse (HAR) Program automatically generates shipping instructions for empty hazmat cars that are returning to their origin. When you submit a pull request for an empty hazmat car, HAR generates empty-return shipping instructions for moving the car. Confirmation is automatically faxed to you.

To participate, review the HAR Authorization (PDF), print and complete it and fax it to 904-332-7144. You will be notified when authorization is complete.

Timely Shipping Instructions/Billing for Hazmat Cars

Shipments offered to CSX without shipping instructions can cause confusion and delays since the cars may require multiple switches in a serving yard while awaiting billing. Also, manual intervention is required to expedite receipt of the billing information. Customers whose loaded cars arrive at a CSX serving yard without proper billing instructions will be charged for the late delivery of shipping instructions. This is outlined in CSXT Publication 8100.

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