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Longitudinal Occupancy Permits

Longitudinal Utilities - utilities that run alongside (i.e. parallel) the railroad tracks and/or CSX property.

Permitting Process:

  • Stage 1: Initial feasibility study - CSX will perform a high level review of your proposed project and will provide a response as to whether or not it is feasible on CSX’s property.
  • Stage 2: Full Permit Review - CSX will oversee engineering reviews, perform site walks with utility as necessary, coordinate approval(s) with CSX internal departments, and prepare an agreement for execution.
  • Stage 3: Construction - CSX will coordinate with utility to schedule construction and provide protection and inspection services.

Steps on how to get started:

  • Submit a Utility Application through the CSX Property Portal, be sure to include the information below.
    • Upload the following information as an attachment with your Utility Application submittal:
      • Scope of work
      • Description of proposed utility (e.g. commodity, size and number conduits, method of installation, etc.)
      • Anticipated Construction Start Date
      • Aerial photo showing cut points (i.e. points where utility ingress and egresses CSX property) and proposed typical running line/alignment. Provide a .kmz file or equivalent if available.

Additional Useful Links:

Need Help?

CSX is aware of an issue with the Property Portal affecting users and the issue should be resolved soon. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience while this is resolved!!