
Producer Lading Reports in ShipCSX

Released: Jan 14, 2009

Full utilization of coal hopper cars is important to both CSXT and our customers. CSXT has partnered with both our Producers and Receivers over many years and we have seen lading improvements that have benefited all by reducing the number of trains needed to move coal shipments.

CSXT is pleased to announce a new tool that is now available on our ShipCSX website. It is called the Producer Lading Report and it shows graphically how effective coal shippers are at maximizing car capacity utilization. This tool is available to both our Coal Producers and Receivers to view their shipments. We encourage everyone to utilize this tool and strive for the maximum utilization of all rail equipment (both private and system). Customer interface screens are located in the Unit Train Management section of ShipCSX, under the tab marked "Reports".

In addition, this tool can assist in identifying trains/cars that have exceeded the maximum intended utilization and resulted in overloaded cars. You can use this tool to track trends and performance of your load-out operators.

The CSX Coal Development team will be making a concerted effort in 2009 to make sure all Coal Producers are familiar with this tool and to work with each of your mines to improve lading utilization and reduction of overloads.

Note: UMLER is the reference file used to determine car specific capacities. Private car owners should remember to update the National AAR UMLER file when car capacities or any other car information changes.

Please contact the Coal Development office should you have any questions.

Thank you for Shipping CSX!