About Us

Carbon Disclosure Project

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) provides a platform for CSX to collect business-critical climate data from key suppliers to better identify and respond to environmental risks and opportunities throughout the company’s supply chain. Through CDP, CSX and suppliers have increased, ongoing collaboration on sustainability programs and improved measurement on sustainability performance.

Improving supplier engagement is important to CSX and supports our commitment to meet our Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) 2030 environmental goals:

  • Reduce GHG intensity by 37.3%
  • GHG Scope 2 – reduce by 50%
  • Decrease waste disposal to landfill by 10%
  • Expand engagement with supply chain

CSX also participates in CDP’s annual climate reports that measure performance and disclosure. By making climate data available on the CDP platform, CSX is helping customers, investors and suppliers make more informed decisions about their own risks and identify opportunities to decrease the total carbon footprint.  

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